All posts by admin

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) treated successfully- active in office Vision Therapy -Veer Patil from Mumbai

Veer Patil from Mumbai Visited Visual Eyez Noida centre diagnosed to have Amblyopia with Deep Suppression. He did patching too for sometime but wasn't improving. His studying in classroom, sports due to glasses and comfort all were affected. So after searching for treatment in Mumbai and other major centres parents found is and visited. We [...]
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Retinitis Pigmentosa successfully Rehabilitated by Neuro Optometric Rehab.from 6/36 to 6/9p

Lovepreet a male of 26 years from Patiala Punjab visited Visual Eyez Noida centre in mid of April diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa almost 15 years back and was in absolute depression thinking about future and career. He has frustration, insecurity, he had lost hope and his Daily living Skills problems were below. Seeing Faces, Reading [...]
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